How to Look Sexy | What Men Want to see

After years of doing boudoir photography and getting feedback from my clients, I found few common things that every man wants to see in a woman. These tools will not only prevent your partner from looking to others sexy girls but will also boost your level of confidence and dominance.  For the purpose of this blog, I asked my assistant to photograph me, so I can clearly send the message of this blog. Follow these tips and strengthen your relationship and lifestyle.

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The color red is associated with Love, Passion, War, Danger, Dominance, and power. There is a psychological reason behind the color red and why men are attracted to it. During Valentine’s period, we see every shelf in the store is stocked with red items to show love. Why not bring the passion to the bedroom and enhance the sexuality more often? Of course, wearing red every day may get boring at one point, so combining it with black or even white can add more spice to the look.


Although wearing high heels every day is not practical, it is a great way to attract men. Based on an article in, French researchers did an experiment and found out that the majority of the men find high heels sexy and attractive. In their experiment, a female asked men to participate in a survey while she changed her shoes every 10 minutes wearing flat, mid heel, and high heels. 47% participated when she was wearing flat shoes, 63% participated when she was wearing medium heels, and 83% participation when she was wearing high heels. Not only the look of high heels is attractive, but men are also attracted to the sound of a woman walking in high heels and immediately they can differentiate it.  


Women wearing lipstick go out on dates more than those who don’t. Every color of the lipstick is sexy and beautiful in its own way, but brighter colors are more fun and casual while darker colors are more of a sexual invitation and desire.


Some accessories such as, designer sunglasses, simple ear rings, and chockers can change the look of a woman from casual to confidant and sexy. Even if you are not dressed up, adding a $10 chocker on your neck will attract more men.


Psychologists have been studying and researching about scents for thousands of years. A perfume’s odor always has strong impacts on men’s behavior and memory, and they associate every perfume with the specific woman that introduced that scent to them.


If I did not learn anything about men, I learnt that they are obsessed with lace clothes. From my experience, lace and leather fabrics are the most attractive clothes to men. Although each of them sends a different message to men. Leather is a sign of domination and aggression, and lace is a sign of sensuality and sexuality.  


Teasing is a form of close sexual invitation and flirting is a form of open sexual invitation that may lead to a relationship or not. Regardless of what kind of message you are sending, men love both of them and they know if you are teasing or flirting. On the first image, I am only teasing and not willing to have a sexual relationship. On the second image, more likely I am willing to sex.

These are some of the tips I have for all the females that come to my studio for boudoir photography and not knowing what to wear or how to look to attract their significant other. Try these tips and I promise your partner will be really happy and satisfied.

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